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                Common Problems

                • How to choose an automatic glass cutter?

                  Looking at the automatic glass cutting machine on the market, there are many models. What should we pay attention to during the purchase process? Here are the technical experts for everyone.
                  The model of the automatic glass cutting machine consists of a series of simple letters and numbers, but it represents the cutting machine's factory life, technical equipment, etc., so you must first determine which series of equipment you buy, and then distinguish Differences between different models. After all, each customer will set a budget first, and then purchase a more cost-effective machine when the budget is reasonable.
                  In addition, you should also look at the specific parameters of the automatic glass cutting machine cutting efficiency, machine service mode and other parameters, these parameters determine whether the device is convenient to use, but also determines the technical level of the device itself. What we have to do is to buy a machine with high precision and speed as much as possible so that it will not delay the use in the future.
                  The above is the precaution of purchasing automatic glass cutting machine. In fact, in addition to the purchase specialist to buy, if you can bring the technicians of the factory, they come from the first line of operation, they will be very familiar with the technology and use effect of the cutting machine, and will also try it. Give reasonable advice to avoid making fewer detours.
                  In general, the automatic glass cutter is used in a wide range of applications. It can be used for the cutting of craft glass and mirror glass. It can also be used for the cutting of automotive glass and household glass. It can also be used for jewelry glass. , cutting of mobile phone panel glass, etc.
                  People can visit several automatic glass cutting machine manufacturers to compare different types and different batches of automatic glass cutting machines. I believe that they will have a deeper understanding of the industry and will be more comfortable in purchasing.
                • Glass cutting line is highly efficient

                  The emergence of glass cutters has greatly improved work efficiency and simplified and processed the cutting process. Nowadays, the glass cutting line has been launched, which has become the main choice for glass cutting companies. Production operations workers only need to master the assembly line process to complete the work in a safe and stable environment.
                  The glass cutting line provides a one-stop, one-stop service that is very helpful for manufacturers with a wide range of glass cutting needs. In the past, people cut glass will consider the procurement and installation of equipment. Nowadays, with the assembly line service, everyone only needs to concentrate on the line, the whole cutting process can be done in one go, and no longer need to be stalked by technicians.
                  The invention of the glass cutting line represents an increase in the degree of automation and represents the technological take-off of the glass cutting industry. Up to now, there are many manufacturers that can provide assembly line technology and equipment. They carefully study the glass cutting process and always walk in the forefront of the market with a stance of excellence, providing a good experience for everyone.
                  Anyone who knows the deep processing of glass knows that in all processes, glass cutting is used more frequently and the frequency of use is also extremely high. With the glass cutting line, it will be easier and simpler for both the layout process and the cutting and film removal work. Many companies have obtained national patents and are well-known in the industry.
                  The above is the introduction of the advantages of the glass cutting line, so which high-tech enterprises can stop, the cutting process and equipment level they provide are much higher than the industry average, and the cutting production work becomes simple and clear, and the operators can learn quickly. Getting started is a portrayal of the technological changes in the new era.
                • What are the characteristics of the glass cutter?

                  The glass cutting machine is a widely used processing machine. It has two functions: one is to carry out glass processing, and the other is to perform glass blanking work. Especially important is the air-floating film feeder, in addition to the double-bridge interchangeable table. As the process continues to develop, people's production levels continue to increase, and the glass cutting machine has undergone significant changes, improving service efficiency.
                  There are many advantages of the glass cutting machine. At present, the development in the country is very rapid. Not only is it very design-oriented, but also the automation process is added, which is very popular. Especially in the pipeline process system, the computer-controlled cutting machine is used quickly, which greatly saves the worker's time and is welcomed by many manufacturers. Even the subsequent repairs and maintenance are quick and don't have to worry too much.
                  In the past, people will purchase equipment from abroad because of high efficiency and good quality. However, the current domestic glass cutting machine has won the love of everyone and gradually replaced foreign products. Before you buy, you should know the model and specifications of different cutting machines, and you should also look at the process and operating rules. The experience should be demonstrated by the technician's demonstration so that all aspects of the equipment can be tested.
                  There are many standards for purchasing glass cutting machines. We can look at the popularity of manufacturers. If it is a foreign device, we should also understand the steps and processes abroad. In short, you must be experienced and professional in order to purchase cost-effective equipment.
                  The current range of glass cutters continues to expand, especially as people's demand for glass continues to increase. It is believed that the domestic glass cutting machine market will continue to develop and lead the international market to achieve a higher level of leap.
                • Introduction to the use of glass machine glass drilling machine

                  Speaking of the glass machinery industry, many people will think of many specific equipment, such as polishing machines, silk screen equipment, etc. Each type of equipment has its own characteristics, and the usage mode is different. I am going to introduce you to the knowledge of the glass drilling machine today, and I hope to help you.
                  The main function of the glass drilling machine is to drill the glass. The components are divided into four parts, one: base, two: operation table, three: drill bit, four, motor and so on. In the procurement process, we should look at the diameter of the borehole. It is generally recommended that you choose equipment with a larger diameter, so that the overhanging space can be enhanced to meet the needs of different glass drilling.
                  For many manufacturers who produce and sell glass machinery, everyone has higher specifications and requirements for drilling machines. On the one hand, it adopts a lower workbench design mode, which makes everyone's operation more concise and fast. The safety and stability of the aspect are also maintained, which makes the operator feel at ease.
                  In the process of using the glass machinery, we should also read the instructions in time and strictly follow the formal operating procedures. In addition, to maintain the safety of the guide rails, do not put useless objects on it. If there is any unexpected situation, don't forget to click the “Emergency Stop” button. This is the emergency treatment facility that the manufacturer has prepared for everyone. No worries.
                  It can be seen that the production process of the glass drilling machine is still quite advanced. From here, we also see the development prospects and current status of the glass machinery. In the future, people's demand for glass machinery is still high. I believe that with the continuous efforts of manufacturers, people will see more excellent equipment.

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